Wednesday, January 5, 2011

goodbye 2010.............

2010 was a good year. let's re-cap.........

vibram boy and i started living a primal lifestyle. of course, like all major changes, it has been a process. it is still a process. but, it was in 2010 that we began to cut out grains. we joined mark's daily apple and began reading daily posts and forums and books, etc. etc. etc. it has truly been life changing!!!


i've lost 25lbs! thanks to the above mentioned primal living! :) now, just imagine, if i fine tune my primal eating this year, and start to move more and play more and lift more......... 2011 here i come!!

weigh in wednesday. 13 oct 10.

we went to italy. awesome. neither of us had been to europe before. it was truly wonderful. we turned 35 in verona (we share a birthday...... best thing ever!!!).

we also celebrated our 10th anniversary. that seems impossible. 10 years. vibram boy is still the love of my life. my best friend. he makes me laugh and he cooks every meal. i still feel like a newlywed.

our 10th anniversary.

i water ski'd for the first time ever. it was fun, but truth be told, this summer, i want to learn to stand up paddle board!! i know i'm going to love s.u.p. i just know it.

joe pool lake

we did hot, power yoga (vinyasa) all summer....................a big change for vibram boy!!!

yoga retreat

i did a yoga teacher's assistant workshop................... it is fun to assist, and is my first baby step towards becoming a certified yoga instructor.

prasarita padottanasana

we did our first mud run obstacle course (jailbreak dash)....... and then we did another one (warrior dash) and vibram boy did another one (caveman extreme)! we have the spring runs on our calender.



i did the 3 day susan g komen walk. 60 miles. a moment to always remember. knowing that i did something to stand against breast cancer. to support women who have died and for those who have survived! and more importantly, for those in the year's to come to find a cure. that is why i walked.


we went camping for the first time in over 10 years!!! we had so much fun. i'm ready to live in a tent permanently...... well, at least camp more often than every 15 years.......

morning sun....

i started taking ukulele lessons. yes, for real. oh how i love my little pineapple soprano uke. i haven't taken music lessons since i was 8 years old taking obligatory piano lessons. this is different. it uses a part of my brain that is quite rusty........ how great is that!!?? vibram boy plays guitar and is taking guitar lessons. we jam together. i can play four songs. i can't sing and play at the same time (well, i can't really sing at all...). picture it....... a lovely spring afternoon, laying in a hammock, drinking homemade lemonade, strumming my uke........or a hot, summer night on the patio........aaahhhh........ i can't wait!!! i must go practice.

 plink plink plink

i started my blog. and i know there is a lot left to be desired, but i've started. and i want to start another one. i'll keep them both. this one dedicated to primal living. my other one, "an assortment of sorts" for everything else........ my crafts, antiqueing, thrifting, travels, home decor and whatever else might tickle my fancy..... you'll just have to see. :)

so, dear blog friends, we wrap up 2010 and dive right into 2011. let's see where we go!!!

go out for adventure
happy monday.
vibram girl

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